New Year's Thoughts

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. If you’re reading this, the world has not come to an end and. I never believed the Mayan shenanigans. From what I’ve heard, it’s simply the longest measure of time that the Mayans used, nothing more. Did you there are very few scientifically accurate that the world will end? One example is that billions of years from now, the sun will explode and Earth will no longer be inhabitable. Of course, this doesn’t factor things such as the evolution of technology and of the human race itself.

Here are a few things that are worth mentioning and checking out for 2013:

The Ur-Quan Masters HD

After two years of hard work, the first version of UQM HD is available for download. Check this out. I’ve played a little bit of it so far and it’s looking awesome. It’s very impressive stuff considering how old the code base is. Check it out!

Star Command on PC/Mac

This was a game that was originally available for Android/iOS. This was successfully funded through Kickstarter. The developers (War Balloon) launched another KickStarter campaign which was also successful. According to the YouTube video description, the release date is “when it kicks ass”, a nod to games with lengthy development schedules such as Duke Nukem Forever, Wolfenstein (2009) and Rage.

New York Toy Fair 2013

Toys for Bob will make an announcement at the 2013 New York Toy Fair. At the moment, all signs seem to be pointing to Skylanders 3. Anything is possible and if it is another sequel, it may have another addition to the technology. TFB wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t toy-related. The Toy Fair will take place from February 10-13.

Elite: Dangerous

I have read about how Star Control and Elite share some similarities, though I’ve never played it myself. It is very close to reaching the £1,250,000 GBP($2 million USD) goal and the Kickstarter campaign will end this week. This may be the oldest game franchise I’ve seen revived through Kickstarter.

Kickstarter! Kickstarter! Kickstarter!

Yes, there are so many projects worth mentioning such as Space Command and Divine Space. I can spend hours glancing at random projects (not just games) and having my mind blown. It really shows how indie projects can have their voices heard. However, there is a lot of pressure for success and it can be seen as an example that marketing skills is just as important as important as finishing the project itself. There is so many projects on Kickstarter that I really want to start writing about projects more often.


2013 will be full of surprises just like 2012. Check out UQM HD. It looks incredible and it looks incredibly fresh and crisp with its hi-res visuals. This is yet another creation that will keep the Star Control fanbase alive. Check it out.

Kickstarter is starting to become synonymous with indie games and it doesn’t seem to be dying anytime soon.

Happy new year!

The Ur-Quan Masters HD - DOWNLOAD NOW
Star Command
Elite: Dangerous Kickstarter Page
Kickstarter Article
Divine Space Article
Hats off to Space Command

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